
We’ve caught a few, and have generally been only mildly concerned for our physical wellbeing.

However, strict attention must be paid to ensure that you don’t get fake bank notes back when you pay the bill. Thus far we’ve been fine, but have met numerous travelers that have fallen victim to the ol’ switch-er-roo scam. Be warned.

The seat belts are a wonderful – albeit purely aesthetic – accessory. What really amuses me is that the driver, once seated, actually bothers to grab the seatbelt, drape it over him, and leaves it dangling slightly above where you would expect to see the latch. The latch, of course, no está.

The same applies for passengers, naturally.

Describing the driving habits of BsAs residents (taxi drviers included) is not necessary. Needless to say, any infraction you can imagine is par for the course.

But could we complain for 10 pesos? I think not.

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