In Guatemala


Big difference once you cross the border from Belize. The road becomes gravel, for starters. They burn stuff, lots of it. People are, on average, about a foot shorter. Still lots of reggae music though.

It was my turn for gastro about 3 hours into the bus trip, and I offered quite a spectacle out the side window from my seat. Much like Jess’ bout it took me out for almost 24 hours, which consequently meant we didn’t get much done here until today.

Today was Mayan ruins; Tikal. My first ruins, actually. 2700 years ago they were lugging stone up a hill in some truly incredible sunshine. You have to respect the Maya for that reason alone.


We stumped up the extra cash for lake views & aircon as the afternoon heat here on the island of Flores is intense. At AUD$32 for the double we’re happy that it’s not breaking the bank.

We split with the other four crew members because our lost day(s) to sickness have broken the schedule a little. We will probably catch them when they return from down south and head up the coast in Honduras.

Now we’re in Rio Dulce, and from our bungalow we can row up the stream and it looks a bit like this:

Verrrry nice. Fearsome mosquitos, though. For the geo-nerds, we are right here.

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2 Responses to “In Guatemala”

  1. Annie says:

    Holy crap, you guys are making me seriously jealous… keep it coming xx

  2. Jess says:

    Keep up the most excellent blogging guys. I’m loving the photo’s and summaries of your travels. Takes me away from my desk for a few minutes which is always a good thing